Yesterday, we got this 'Taklimat Kempen Kebersihan Tandas'..a sharing from Ms.Marie Yong,Principal SM.St Michael,Penampang & also Ms.Helen from EAC.
Here are some tips that really useful...kena try ni.....How to clean out dirty/filthy toilet bowl..hahahahaha.....
1.Coca Cola to clean out the toilet
The first thing you can do is use Coca Cola to clean out the toilet. This is very effective if you are faced with a really filthy toilet that has brown staining. All you need to do is pour half of a two-liter bottle (or a one-liter bottle) of Coke into the bowl. Let the bowl full of Coke settle overnight. Make sure that, if you have children, they know to use a different toilet in your house. The next day, you can flush the Coke down. Use your toilet brush to clean off that previously hard stuck residue. It will amaze you how much will brush away with ease.
2.Clean Your Toilet with White Vinegar
If your toilet has more stains and rings than clean areas, then it is time to get serious. Pour a bit of white vinegar into the toilet bowl and leave it soak for about an hour.
Scrub with a toilet brush as you usually do. When you have thoroughly scrubbed the stained area, flush the vinegar down the drain. As you flush, you will find that the stains are history. As a secondary benefit, the vinegar will help clean out the drain as it flows down the toilet.
3. Clean Your Toilet with a Vitamin C Tablet
If you want to try something a little different to clean your toilet, try this trick that you probably have not heard about. Just take two or three vitamin C tablets, place them in the toilet bowl, and let them dissolve for about two hours. When you scrub out your toilet bowl with your brush, the stains will just wipe away. You can try this in conjunction with your normal toilet cleaning routine to make cleaning your toilet a breeze.
Clean Your Toilet While You Are Out
Here is a great time-saving tip that will clean your toilet while you are out on an errand or at work. Simply pour one-quarter cup of bleach in your toilet bowl before you head out the door. When you get back you just need to flush the toilet, and you will have a glistening bowl.
eh..menakutkan..if coca cola can be used to clean toilets..then what does it do to our body if we drink it?? hmm...tiak mau minum cola sudah laaa....
iya...tu la..masa taklimat tu...gitu juga kami terfikir...terbleech dalaaman kita kan?
bahaya ni....
bukan hoax saja meh tu cola boleh kasih bersih toilet bowl? Klu betul minumlah pepsi sambil cuci tandas pakai cola hehehe..
so don't drink coke! hehe helen is a good friend of mine (kami berjiran bah di wisma budaya.. hehe) and puan marie is one of the great principals in Sabah (o:
osindak, EAC punya talk pun best pasal 'jus dapur' ada dia cerita sama ko? heheheh
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