Saturday, September 13, 2008


Sold my babyphat bag to my friend today!.....sayang juga? but its too big & too glamourous for me la...hahahaha......but i found this..ok kah? lawa kan?? hopefully available.....Babyphat-wallet...


@dR3h said...

alaaa.. napa ko ndak bgtau ko mau jual..

Kim 김 said...

ada bah sia ckp...maybe ko ndak dgr? sia cakap sama si azz...saya bilang saya mau jual...mula2 minta yg supplier tu jual...heheeh si Louis yg beli.....sori....

Val Aziz said...

nice la the wallet..the blue colour inside totally kasi facelift the normal brown outside.

Kim 김 said...

hi val..mmg lawa but harga pun lawa..hahaha..can buy 1 handbag...